Category: Ukranie


Testimony of the first Ukrainian refugees hosted

“I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Maria José. My son and I received a roof over our heads and support. The team of the Arteale association took care of us at every step and in every need. We are very ashamed of the way we have been treated, even in the smallest


Ukraine donations

The Arteale Foundation is currently working for the reception of Ukrainian refugee families and would be grateful for any kind of donation according to the instructions in the attached document. Collaborative Sponsorship Download



There are more than 31 million empty houses in the EU which are an opportunity to give them away in line with the philosophy of the Empty Homes Collaborative Project. Download Empty Homes As An Opportunity Download


Empty houses Ukraine War refugees

    Presentation of the Pilot Project Empty Homes Collaborative Background: Empty homes as an opportunity. Maria Jose Anitua, S.L. as a social company specialised in legal advice in the real estate sector (taxation and contracts for more than 40 years), sees empty homes as an opportunity, after specialising for 10 years in collaborative law,